We will talk about the origin of yoga history. It comes from country India. Indians are creators of yoga. In my view, in the past, the main attributes were yoga mat and clothes but today yoga became popular. That is why we are interested in origin of yoga. For me specific group of people did not create yoga. They explored, found it. In 21st, when whole world tries to do everything without breaking law copyrights became actual topic. Everyone got interested in who was the first people who invented yoga. Foreigners did not steal the idea from Indians. Indian sages and masters transmitted it to them. So let us go back to our main topic. What did Indians teach us?
My first teacher Swam Vishnu from Kerala through Wishek went to spread yoga knowledge throughout the world. Krishnamacharia says that yoga is the best gift to world from Indians. This person went in physical world to create family and spread yoga knowledge to people. This was not easy to do for guru. This guru did the great job. He made yoga popular in lower classes like thieves, poor, criminals. He re-created yoga in whole India in few years.
Yoga would not be able for anyone if experienced and wise masters did not share it with lower classes. It would not be so popular if only high classes would get knowledge from those masters. These people even now, are crying about this topic. They are blaming lower classes in thieving. Like lower classes stole their wealth (means yoga) and inheritance from them. Of
course, that is not true.
Yoga (if not anything else) is living, acting, adaptive method of teaching, which is available for everyone. Yoga practicians transform and change it for everyday life, for every type of people. It belongs to everyone, it is the part of everyone’s’ lives. It is very ignorant to make patent and take honorary from something that no one created. You do not own yoga. You have you your rights only on yoga you do and one you belong.
If you ever decide to start practicing yoga, do not ever try to scold someone for wrong yoga training studies or for wrong practice. At first, you need to think about your own dependence and leave the idea of scolding someone. You can let it flow in yoga fire – Swaha. Do not ever waste your energy for anything that is not worth for it. Do not try to explain why someone (no matter in the future or in the past) tried to interpret yoga. It is not your own business. Just save your energy for more convenient and useful things. For instance, buying yoga backpack and yoga mat and find real ego in your own yoga.